Saturday, June 30, 2012

Let's Play Calling Part 3: High School Blues

          Chamomile has been done in by BOOF and it appears that it's time to turn over a new leaf, seeing as death isn't really something Chamomile can get back from at this point. Wait. I'm playing a game about ghosts. Ghostly Chamomile. Oh god. Please just show the title card so I can stop thinking about this.

          So I suppose this pre-chapter discussion/chatroom thing is going to become a theme, huh. This time we see some girls discussing the mysterious deaths of the aforementioned three high school girls. We get more exposition about how they were all looking at some website and how images of them were displayed on their computers when they were found dead. Clearly this game has a plot based around phones. Also, these chat things seem to have no purpose other than blatant unrelated exposition.


          This is what a high school girl says when she finds out that three of her classmates are being held for detention. Not when they have been killed by a website. Of course, seeing as this website's other target was Chamomile, consistency would suggest that these girls may share personality traits with him. Mimi, you have my support.
          Enough opening fluff. It's time to start the next chapter.

          I'm playing as Rin Kagura this time. I believe they were in the opening chatroom preceding the first chapter. Well, at least that's some sort of relevant connection. The first cutscene of the section commences and I see I'm in some sort of extremely artily filtered hospital room.

          Then fast cuts to different images of flowers and people getting hit by trucks and stuff happen. I suppose the game felt this was the best time to meet its art quota, as nothing in this cutscene makes any sense whatsoever and it's using enough bloom to effectively blot out half the screen and cause several gardens of flowers to sprout from nowhere all across southern Tanzania. So after the brief art break, we see Rin, who appears to be in some room full of instruments. She then offers us insight into what all of the images we just bore witness to mean.

          Oh wait, no she doesn't. She just sort of acts surprised at her own amazing ability to have a dream and then never mentions it again. Looking around, Rin realizes that she's in her school music room and recounts how she ended up sleeping there.

          Or, you know, just kind of wonders about why she's in her school in the middle of the night while seeing no inherent issue with her situation. Despite her lack of understanding or explaining anything, I do find this Rin person a lot more tolerable than Chamomile. She's devoted her opening cutscene to explaining at least a little bit about her character, whereas big C probably would have just started hollering about the lights being off and run into a wall, knocking himself out.
          The cutscene ends, and the game begins loading. At the end of the loading screen, the game cuts to... this.

          I'm pretty sure it's either an upside-down picture of a guy's face or a right side up picture of a pig wearing a very small sombrero. After appearing onscreen for a moment, it just sort of vanishes and I go into gameplay. I... okay. After el cerdo con un sombrero leaves, I'm back in first person in the music room. Everything is too dark to closely investigate again, but I still manage to blindly slap the guitar in order to create beautiful music.

          After bashing all of the available instruments, I decide to leave the room due to the lack of anything else interesting. Upon exiting, Rin hears a string concerto and automatically assumes its origin to be a cellphone. At least she's genre-savvy, I'll give her that. Eventually I track it down in the middle of the hallway floor, and Rin decides to pick it up. The voice on the other end, which sounds like a cross between a 70 year old woman's Marge Simpson impression and Marlon Brando in The Godfather, claims that the phone belongs to her (it?) and that she's at the exit.

          Seeing as only sane people leave their own cellphones in the middle of  high school hallways and then call them in the middle of the night, Rin decides that returning this phone to its rightful owner must be the best course of action. Evidently Rin is not going to survive very long. After I enter a nearby classroom, the phone rings again. I pick it up; it's Marglon Simsdo again.

          After this, Marglon hangs up and proceeds to call another two times before I manage to actually exit the room I'm in, finally managing to tell me that she's on the third floor stair landing. This prompts me to spend over 20 minutes attempting to find the stairs. After sprinting around the hallways of the school in circles for way too long, I take a second look at a door that I had already checked. Apparently I could have peeked through a hole in the door the entire time. Feh. I look through the hole and bear witness to one of the most terrifying groups of creatures imaginable.

          Extremely pale Japanese schoolgirls facing away from the camera! Um... the terror? Rin wonders if she should ask them what in the name of bad ideas is going on when they dissolve into nothingness. Again, not much of a big deal in this game, but it scares Rin enough to cause her to forget that punctuation is supposed to go at the end of a sentence.

          Rin is also apparently shocked enough to not react physically at all and leave her head awkwardly next to the large hole leading to the room of ghostlyness. This goes about as well as you would expect for Rin.

          Little Miss Jumpscare manages to get Rin to jump away from the door and fall to the floor. I then look around for a bit in the same no-movement mode that applied to Chamomile's experience with the miniature cheerleaders. After some peering about, Rin realizes the horrible truth; her jump back may have saved her from the first jump scare, but it can do nothing to protect her from THE GREAT ROTUNDA!

          Apparently Rin doesn't have as much experience flailing around violently as Chamomile, as she takes a good deal longer to break free. Rin sprints off through the now open stairwell door and down to the third floor. Upon arrival, she hears what sounds like... something. I didn't actually hear anything so I'm just gonna take her word for it that there was some kind of noise. Anyway, this causes her to press her ear up against a random door.

          Upon pressing her ear to said door, Rin realizes that the sound was just her imagination. Yes, this was indeed a necessary cutscene. But wait, now the camera's panning to a piece of paper! Maybe this will give me a hint as to what to do next!

          Ah yes. This is clearly helpful to me in so many ways. I get a chance to actually read it after the cutscene however, and the sign apparently says to return the door's key to the janitor's office after use.
          I think that wraps up this installment of this Let's Play. Next time, we get to find a janitor's closet! I guess.

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